Dev Log #3

The next step from here in group meetings and discussions was progress updates and communicating issues faced such as Enemy AI being buggy sometimes, Maya bugging out being a pain and other workloads being a pain. We made sure to keep each other informed of what was going on. This stage of the project was having the moodboard, colour palette and other key aspects of the concept work done whilest the Enemy AI was being programmed and the grey boxing was being completed. Discussions were also had about the mesh for the level and importing the grey boxing from Maya once completed into Unreal Engine and having it work. Other group discussions we had were based on the lighting of the game and the grainy effects. The main topic of discussion around it was finding a balance between the lighting and grainy effect to where it was the core aesthetic we were going for and not giving the player’s a headache/sensory overload at the visuals. We think we have struck a good balance. 

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